Encouragement for Writers

For my fellow writers who are seeking ways to tell their stories, I want to encourage and applaud you. It can be difficult to pursue writing, whether you plan on sharing it or not, but it can also be helpful, healing, fun and satisfying. If you have stories inside you; write them and don’t let anything stop you. Sometimes, writing can become difficult along the way and here are a few things you can do that may help.

  • READ! Especially books in the genre that you’re working on but reading anything can improve your writing. Find an author who entertains and inspires you and remember they started with a pen and an idea, just like you.

  • Join a writer’s group. I know this is a scary step. It’s intimidating to be surrounded by other writers who will read, critique and maybe dislike your work. There’s nothing worse than someone not liking your work. Prepare yourself for it. Even if criticism is hard to hear, being part of a group will improve your writing and more than criticism you’ll probably find a strong sense of support in your group as I did mine.

  • Don’t get too caught up in the details. Most of us learned the “Writing Process” in school, where you prewrite, draft, outline etc. I taught this to my students and like I told them, it’s ONE way to begin a writing project but it’s not the ONLY way. There’s no one correct way, and you may have to try a few things to find out what works best for you. The key word is TRY. Don’t give up, persevere.

  • Another tip, and this is probably the hardest to do, is to make the time for writing, every day. Even if it’s only for twenty minutes, and it’s unconnected to anything you’re working on, make the time and then stick to it. I’ve had whole novels get started from quick free write. Carry a notebook for those unexpected ideas and take a moment to jot them down. Maybe your novel won’t be written in six-hour blocks but in a thousand snatched moments. Every writer is different.

  • Don’t give up!

For more videos on writer’s encouragement & read alouds, please check out my YouTube channel What it’s like being a writer!

Here’s a sneak preview!